Tuesday 26 March 2013

Tv show thingy

1. Favorite TV show?:
That's like asking a mother with multiple children which one is her favourite.
But for this I'm gonna say the vampire diaries.

2. Favorite character?:
Uh my favourites are Alaric, stefan, klaus, Caroline and Rebekah. But if I had to pick out of them it would be Klaus.

3. Least favorite character?:
Its actually elena because she's acts so innocent and she's always the good one and the one that's always morally right when if you think about it she's actually really selfish and thinks everyone should love her and do what she wants and it annoys me.
Tyler also annoys me for similar reasons but not quite so much.

4. Favorite episode? (So far):
Season 4 episode 2 because that's the episode with my favourite scene between Damon and Alaric.

5. Favorite ship?:
Well my OTP is Damon and Alaric, but they killed Alaric so... But they're still my OTP. I also ship klaroline (klaus and caroline) and I just really want Caroline to except klaus. oh and also stefan and Rebekah.

6. How long have you been watching the show?: 4 years (I think about). I started watching it as soon as it showed in England on itv2.

7. How did you become interested in the show?:
Honestly can't remember, I think I just started watching it when I saw the advert for it on itv2.

8. Who's your favorite actor from the show?:
Paul Wesley, more because of what he gets to act - the completely different personalities of his character.

9. If you could be anyone from this show, who would you want to be?
Caroline or Rebekah. Caroline because she has a really strong personality and being a vampire has improved her and she knows it rather than getting caught up in the 'I want to be human' bull*.

10. How would you kill off your least favorite character?
I'd have katherine do it. She'd lock elena in a cell drain her of blood and leave her there for a couple of decades. Then give her a blood bag which has vervain mixed in and then take her into the sunlight without her daylight ring and then she'd burn to death. She would be lucky to just have a stake through the heart.

11. What show should your favorite show crossover with?
I would say supernatural because that's my next favourite show but then Sam and dean would just kill all the characters. So instead a crossover with wolfblood would be cool and I would ship Matt and Shannon.

12. Pick two characters that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple:
Caroline and Stefan.

13. Does this show have a good cast?
Yes! An amazing cast!

14. How good is the theme song?
it's not a singy along one but they still use it loads in the episodes and haven't changed it even though it's on it's 4th season.

Repost with your favorite TV show! :D

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